Nouns ending with a vowel, only need to add an -s to form the plural. |
a porta |
as portas |
the door/doors |
Change the -m to -ns to form the plural. |
o viagem |
os viagens |
the journey/journeys |
Replace the ending -l with -is. |
o animal |
os animais |
the animal/animals |
If the il is not stressed, change the end to –eis. |
o fóssil |
os fósseis |
the fossil/fossils |
If the -il is stressed, change the end to –is. |
o barril |
os barris |
the barrel/barrels |
If the last syllable is stressed, -es is added. |
o país |
os países |
the country/countries |
Changing the -ção ending to –ções. |
a lição |
as lições |
the lesson/lessons |
Changing the -ão ending to –ães. |
o cão |
os cães |
the dog/dogs |
Change singular nouns ending with -ão to -ões to form the plural. |
o lição |
as lições |
the lesson/lessons |
Changing the -ão ending to –ãos. |
a mão |
as mãos |
the hand/hands |
Exception: o/os lápis (pencil), ônibus (bus), etc.