Portuguese is spoken by 200 million people in Brazil, Angola, Mozambic, So Tom e Principe, Macau, East Timor, Portugal etc. Portuguese language is the 6th language of the world, because more people
speak Portuguese than French, German, Italian or Japanese; and it has a high potential for the future.
In linguistics, conjugation is the formation of derived structures of a verb, according to rules of grammar. Conjugation may be altered by person, number, gender, tense, mood, voice, grammatical aspect, or other language-specific aspects.
The test is important for you, because with this you can determine your abilities, skills and knowledge of Portuguese grammar and syntax.
Portuguese dictionaries will help you to know the definitions, etymologies, pronunciations, and the meaning of specific words. Here you can find the well-known Portuguese dictionaries in the internet.
Portugal is the home of the Portuguese language that is the mother tongue to about 200 million of people. The country is also famous by its fantastic architecture...
Brazil is the largest country in Latin America, and also the most populous. The country shares border with almost every country in South America less with Chile and Ecuador.