Joyce Cavalccante was born in 1949 in the North East of Brazil, in Fortaleza in the state of Ceará. She is a journalist, a fiction writer and author of various novels plus numerous short stories and articles that today exhibit in eight anthologies. She has focused her writers on the submissive lives of women bred for generations to pray, marry and die. She has woven these aspects into all her books; her novels have a considerable erotic element. She is a director of Red de Escritoras Latinoamericanas (RELAT) and the president of Rede de Escritoras Brasileiras (REBRA).
While living in Rio de Janeiro, where she learned about life in the big city, as well as in New York City, Washington D.C., and Sao Paulo, where she currently lives and works.
- "Eve's Rib" ("Costela De Eva")
- "From Within Outward" ("De Dentro Para Fora")
- "Intimate Enemies" ("Inimigas Íntimas"), winner of the Sao Paulo Association of Art Critics (APCA) award in 1993 for best fiction.
- "Letters On The Sun" ("Letras Ao Sol")
- "Mystical Details" ("Retalhos Místicos")
- "Short Stories From Ceara Anthology" ("Antologia Do Conto Cearense")
- "The Devil Sucking Mango" ("O Cão Chupando Manga")
- "The Discourse Of An Absurd Woman" ("O Discurso Da Mulher Absurda")
- "The Other Side Of The Gaze" ("O Outro Lado Do Olhar")
- "The Talent Of Ceara In Short Stories" ("O Talento Cearense Em Contos")