Stores in Portuguese Stores in Portuguese Language are part of vocabulary lesson. There are many kinds of stores and shops, these new Portuguese words will allow you talk about shopping, fashion, workshop, pet shops, and other interesting store-related topics. If you visit a Portuguese-speaking country, this vocabulary will help you find the store you look for.

This topic is very important to complete you Portuguese vocabulary. Stores in Portuguese are simple words. The following table lists a complete reference about these words. Each word is both English and Portuguese language.

Portuguese Vocabulary for Stores

English Portuguese
supermarket supermercado
grocer's mercearia
shopping centre centro commercial
baker's armazém
cake shop padaria
sweet shop pastelaria
newsagent's loja de doces
stationer's tabacaria
butcher's papelaria
pork butcher's  talho
fishmonger's peixaria
chemist's farmácia
ironmonger's / hardware store drogaria
book shop livraria
jeweller's joalharia
florist's florista
shoe shop sapataria
toy shop loja de brinquedos
perfume shop perfumaria
sports shop loja de desporto
gift shop a loja de recoedações
souvenir shop leitaria
dairy hora de abertura

  • I will go to the supermarket to buy vegetables.
  • Eu vou ao supermercado para comprar legumes.

  • She needs a new math book, so she goes to the book shop.
  • Ela precisa de um novo livro de matemática, então ela vai para a livraria.

  • Your mother's birth is soon, you will need to buy something in the gift shop.
  • Nascimento de sua mãe em breve, você vai precisar comprar algo na loja de presentes.

  • I bought this necklace in a souvenir shop.
  • Eu comprei este colar em uma loja de souvenirs.

  • Children like to visit the toy shop in this mall.
  • As crianças gostam de visitar a loja de brinquedos no shopping.

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