Weather in Portuguese

Portuguese speaking countries, like Brazil, have a large variety of climates that is why, if you want to travel to one of the many Portuguese speaking countries, learning words and some common weather phrases will help you to understand the locals.
Weather in Portuguese
English | Portuguese |
it's sunny | faz sol |
it's nice | está bom tempo |
it's cold | está frio |
it's hot | faz calor |
it's snowy | está a nevar |
it's rainy | está a chover |
it's windy | faz vento |
it's foggy | está enevoado |
it's freezing | há geada |
storm | uma tempestade / um temporal |
lightning | relámpego |
changable | variável |
- Today dawned raining.
- Hoje amanheceu chovendo.
- Today is the rainiest day of the year.
- Hoje é o mais chuvoso dia do ano.
- Driving in the fog is dangerous.
- Dirigindo na neblina é perigoso.
- I love when it is snowing.
- Eu amo quando está nevando.
- It is a very warm day.
- É um dia muito quente.
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