So, if you are planning to travel to any of these countries, it I advisable to learn at least some of the most common words and phrases that will help you to have a pleasant time in a beautiful restaurant.
In this page you will learn all that you need to learn all about that.
Portuguese Vocabulary for Restaurant
English | Portuguese |
Waiter | Garçom |
Check / Bill | Conta |
Napkin | Guardanapo |
Glass | Copo |
Plate | Prato |
Fork | Garfo |
Knife | Faca |
Spoon | Colher |
Table | Mesa |
Chair | Cadeira |
Cup | xícara |
Rare | Mal-passado |
Medium | Ao ponto |
Well done | Bem-passado |
Do you have a table for six? | Têm uma mesa para seis pessoas? |
I would like to order now. | Eu queria encomendar agora. |
Waiter! | Faz favor! / Faça o favor! |
- One glass of wine please.
- Um copo de vinho por favor.
- This spoon is dirty.
- Esta colher está suja.
- The plate was broken.
- A placa foi quebrado.
- I want to reserve a table.
- Quero reservar uma mesa.
- We have three forks.
- Temos três garfos.
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