Special Occasions in Portuguese

Apart from that carnival Brazilian people celebrate many other important holidays like Christmas, New Year's Day, Tiradentes' Day, Labor Day, Our Lady of Aparecida, Republic Day and Day of the Dead. In this section you will learn more about special occasions in Portuguese.
Portuguese Vocabulary for Special Occasions
English | Portuguese |
Congratulations! | parabéns! |
Happy Birthday! | feliz aniversário! |
Happy Christmas! | feliz Natal! |
Happy New Year! | feliz Ano Novo! |
Happy Easter! | feliz Páscoa! |
Good Luck! | boa sorte! |
Enjoy the meal! | bom apetite! |
Have a safe journey! | boa viagem! |
Have a good holiday! | desejo-lhe umas boas férias! |
Take Care! | cuidado! |
- Christmas is today!.
- Natal é hoje!.
- The Jose's birthday is tomorrow.
- Aniversário do José é amanhã.
- I like the New Year.
- Eu gosto do ano novo.
- I will visit my dad on the day of the dead.
- Eu vou visitar meu pai no dia dos mortos.
- The day of Independence was Yesterday.
- O dia da IndependĂȘncia foi Ontem.
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