Family in Portuguese

Learning the words related to family in Portuguese is always a good idea because it will be very useful if you are planning to travel to Portugal or Brazil.
As Spanish, Italian and French language, it is not difficult to learn it.
In this section you will learn, in a short time, all about Family in Portuguese, so if you are looking for the best place to learn Portuguese, you are in the right place.
Portuguese Vocabulary for Family members
English | Portuguese |
family | família |
husband | marido |
wife | mulher, esposa |
father | pai |
mother | mãe |
parents | pais |
son | filho |
daughter | filha |
children | filhos |
brother | irmão |
sister | irmã |
brother(s) and sister(s) | irmãos |
grandfather | avô |
grandmother | avó |
grandparents | avós |
aunt | tia |
uncle | tio |
cousin | primo, prima |
male cousin | primo |
female cousin | prima |
nephew | sobrinho |
niece | sobrinha |
granchildren | netos |
grandson | neto |
granddaughter | neta |
stepmother | madrasta |
stepfather | padrasto |
stepparents | padrastos |
stepson | enteado |
stepdaughter | enteada |
relative | parente |
- My dad traveled to Italy yesterday.
- Meu pai viajou para a Itália ontem.
- My mom likes to cook.
- Minha mãe gosta de cozinhar.
- My brother likes to play soccer.
- Meu irmão gosta de jogar futebol.
- My grandfather died yesterday.
- Meu avô morreu ontem.
- Today is my sister's birthday.
- Hoje é aniversário da minha irmã.
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