Directions in Portuguese

Learning directions in Portuguese language is always very beneficial for any person, learning it you will greatly improve your Portuguese vocabulary with new words, besides you will learn new useful phrases that will be helpful if you feel lost.
This section will teach you to learn in a short time and with useful examples all about Directions in Portuguese.
Portuguese Vocabulary for Directions
English | Portuguese |
Left | Esquerda |
Right | Direita |
Straight ahead | Em frente |
Up | Para cima |
Down | Para baixo |
Far | Longe |
Near | Perto |
turn left | girar à esquerda |
turn right | girar para a direita |
go straight | ir em linha ret |
- My house is now in North Carolina.
- Minha casa está agora em North Carolina.
- I will Travel South India tomorrow!
- Vou de viagem sul da Índia amanhã!
- I Like the Old Western Movies.
- Eu gosto de filmes antigos Ocidental.
- The sun rises in the east.
- O sol nasce no leste.
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