Portuguese Colors

The Portuguese words of colors are easy to learn, if you want to have a perfect pronunciation of each Portuguese color, you can practice by describing the main features of common thing such as flowers, clothing, furniture and other things full of color. The following table displays the most common Portuguese colors. Each word is both in English and Portuguese language.
Colors in Portuguese
English | Portuguese | |
black | preto |
white | branco |
gray | cinzneto |
red | vermelho |
yellow | amarelo |
blue | azul |
orange | cor de laranja |
pink | cor-de-rosa |
green | verde |
brown | castanho |
purple | roxo |
- The red book is mine, the blue one yours.
- O livro vermelho é meu, o azul o seu.
- I like this yellow t-shirt.
- Eu gosto deste amarelo t-shirt.
- Mary bought a black cat.
- Maria comprou um gato preto.
- George has a black car.
- George tem um carro preto.
- Your mother has a purple necklace.
- Sua mãe tem um colar roxo.
Portuguese Colors Videos | |
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