Clothing in Portuguese

Clothing in Portuguese Due to its great location Portugal enjoys almost every day of the year a soft weather. Portugal also boasts of long sunny summers that often extend to the autumn season, so clothing requirements are adapted as per seasonal changes.

Portugal also has a large number of festivals in which people use beautiful costumes.

Learning the clothing vocabulary in Portuguese is, unlike many people think, very easy, especially for those who speak Spanish, Italian or French.

In this section we will show you a complete list with the most common clothing in Portuguese language.

Clothing in Portuguese

English Portuguese
clothing roupa
bathing suit maiô
belt cinto
bikini biquini
blouse blusa
boots botas
boxer shorts samba-canção
bra sutiã
briefs (underwear) cueca
briefcase pasta
cap boné
coat casaco
dress vestido
gloves luvas
hat chapéu
jacket jaqueta
jeans jeans
leather jacket jaqueta de couro
luggage malas
mini-skirt mini-saia
necklace colar
panties calcinha
pajamas pijama
pants calças
purse / bag bolsa
sandals sandálias
shirt camisa
shoes sapatos
shorts shorts / bermuda
skirt saia
sneakers tênis
socks meias
suit terno
sweater suéter
tie gravata

  • My dad has a new shirt.
  • Meu pai tem uma camisa nova.

  • My shoes are broken.
  • Meus sapatos são quebrados.

  • My pants are blue.
  • Minhas calças são azuis.

  • My mom bought a new hat.
  • Minha mãe comprou um chapéu novo.

  • I need a pair of socks.
  • Eu preciso de um par de meias.

 Portuguese Clothing Videos

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