Portuguese Animals

Brazil is one of the most exotic and beautiful countries in the world, Brazil houses one of the largest world's forests, where one can find a large variety of animals and plants.
Due to Brazil is located in South America; there are many similarities between both Portuguese and Spanish language that is why it is not uncommon to see some animals with the same in Spanish and Portuguese language.
Animals in Portuguese
English | Portuguese |
cat | gato |
hen | galinha |
kitten | gatinho |
dog | cão |
elephant | elefante |
frog | rã |
puppy | cachorro |
rabbit | coelho |
bird | pássaro |
horse | cavalo |
lion | leão |
mouse | camundongo |
monkey | macaco |
owl | coruja |
tortoise | tartaruga |
cow | vaca |
rabbit | coelho |
pig | porco |
snail | lesma |
snake | cobra |
snake | serpente |
tiger | tigre |
wolf | lobo |
- My neighbor has three dogs.
- Meu vizinho tem três cães.
- The lion is the king of the jungle.
- O leão é o rei da selva.
- My favorite animal is the crocodile.
- Meu animal favorito é o crocodilo.
- Yesterday I was bitten by a snake.
- Ontem eu fui mordido por uma cobra.
- Monkeys are very playful.
- Macacos são muito brincalhão.
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