Brazilian Portuguese is most often pronounced precisely as it is spelled, consequently, knowing the Brazilian pronunciation of the diverse Portuguese vowels, consonants, diphthongs and diagraphs can be very profitable in helping your improve your pronunciation. The Portuguese language has a complex phonetic structure; many letters have more than one pronunciation, their phonetic value is often predictable from their situation within a word; this is usually the case for the consonants (except x).
The pronunciation of some letters is dissimilar in European Portuguese and Brazilian Portuguese, because the Portuguese is a pluricentric language.
* The letters K, W and Y are used only in foreign loanwords.
The pronunciation of some letters is dissimilar in European Portuguese and Brazilian Portuguese, because the Portuguese is a pluricentric language.
The Portuguese Alphabet and it's pronunciation
A a |
B b |
C c |
D d |
E e |
F f |
G g |
á |
bê |
cê |
dê |
é |
efe |
gê |
H h |
I i |
J j |
K k |
L l |
M m |
N n |
agá |
i |
jota |
cá/capa |
ele |
eme |
ene |
O o |
P p |
Q q |
R r |
S s |
T t |
U u |
ó |
pê |
quê |
erre |
esse |
tê |
u |
V v |
W w |
X x |
Y y |
Z z |
vê |
dábliu, |
xis |
ípsilon, |
zê |
Portuguese Vowels
Portuguese has one of the notable vowel phonologies of all Romance languages. In Brazil has seven oral vowels and in Portugal has nine oral vowels; five nasal vowels, ten oral diphthongs, and five nasal diphthongs.Pronouncing Consonants
The consonant record of Portuguese is moderately conservative.Stress and Accent Marks
Principally stress may fall on any of the three final syllables of a word, but most frequently on the last two.Pronunciation in Brazil
Learn the different pronunciation when you study protuguese in Brazil.Pronunciation in Portugal
Learn the different pronunciation when you study protuguese in Portugal.Study Portuguese Abroad

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