Unlike English, Portuguese nouns have gender, denotation that every noun is considered to be either masculine or feminine. Portuguese adjectives come after the nouns they modify, and must match the gender and number of the noun (singular and plural). Portuguese verbs are conjugated to demonstrate person and tense. However, some of the verb forms usually used in Brazilian Portuguese, such as the continuous verb forms, varies from those of European Portuguese. Morphologically, a particularly remarkable characteristic of the grammar of Portuguese is the verb, because it has more verbal inflections from classical Latin have been conserved by Portuguese than any other main Romance language.
Brazilian Portuguese has also developed a diverse system for the placement of object pronouns. In the same way, Brazilians have dropped the difference between you-formal and you-familiar that subsists in European Portuguese. The formal você form of address is used for all opportunities when speaking Portuguese in Brazil. It is also common to address someone in the third person in order to be polite.
Portuguese Articles
One thing you must know in Portuguese language is how you have to use the articles that is an important topic to communicate with other people.Portuguese Prepositions
Portuguese prepositions are small words that connect two elements in a sentence or phrase. This section will provide you more information about this Portuguese grammar topic.Portuguese Verbs
This section contains all the information that you will need to learn how to recognize verbs and the correct use of them in Portuguese language.

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