Essay Tips: 5 Ways to Improve Your Score

Are you wondering how to get higher grades for your essay writing assignments? If so, then you have come to the right place. In this article, you will discover the most effective tips for improving your essay assignment score. Read on, and you will discover how to improve your grades for essay writing assignments.

The Most Effective Tips for Improving Your Essay Assignment Score

Essay assignments are graded on the basis of many factors. There are many things that contribute to a high essay assignment grade such as the thesis, structure, argumentation, formatting, quality of writing and others. However, there exist a few secret tips that will allow you to improve your score with ease for your future essay assignments.

The most effective way to improve your score though is to purchase a custom written essay using a reliable service like and forget about having to do all the laborious writing assignments yourself. So with that being said, we present you our practical tips for improving your essay assignment score:

Pay Attention to the Rubric

Every essay assignment has a different grading rubric. Various aspects of your paper make up a different percentage of the overall grade. Things like formatting can constitute 5%, for instance, while a strong thesis statement may be worth a quarter of the grade. What conclusion can we draw knowing this fact?

We can conclude that it is important to focus primarily on the aspects that make up the highest percentage of the overall grade. In other words, if strong argumentation is worth half of the grade, it is the first thing you should pay attention to in your paper. This principle is similar to the famous Pareto's Rule which says that 80% of results stem from 20% effort.

You should apply the same mindset to writing your paper and deciding what aspects of your writing you should pay attention to in the first place. Therefore, read your rubric carefully and analyze which aspects of writing have the most value. Take care of those aspects in the first place and only then pay attention to other less significant factors. This will help you improve your score significantly.

Have a Strong Thesis

A strong thesis usually makes up a significant percentage of the overall grade in most essay writing assignments. One of the most frequent reasons why students get lower grades for their essay assignments is because they have weak thesis statements. For this reason, it is worth making sure that you have a strong thesis in place. So how do you formulate a strong thesis statement?

First of all, your thesis should answer your assignment question clearly and directly (if there is one). It should be directly related to your essay's topic. Most importantly, your thesis should contain strong support for your position.

For example, you don't just state that sweets are bad for teeth, but you are supposed to explain why it is true. Therefore, always make sure that your thesis statement is strong so that you get a high grade for your paper.

Check Examples of Great Essays

One of the best ways to learn how to write great essays is to take a look at some examples of the most brilliant essays ever written. This will give you an understanding of what a great essay should like. Therefore, search online for good essay examples that are relevant to your subject. Study them carefully and compare them to your papers. This will help you improve your writing and get a higher grade for your essay assignment as a result.

Ensure to Have Proper Formatting in Place

While correct formatting may not be the most important point in your assignment rubric, it is nevertheless important. Many students forget about proper formatting and get lower grades as a result. Therefore, once you are finished writing, take some time to see if your paper is properly formatted according to the required formatting style. This will add a few extra points to your score.

Hire a Professional Editor

Another frequent cause of lower essay writing assignment grades has to do with mistakes in texts. Mistakes in grammar, spelling, structure and other aspects can harm your grade. Even if your content is great, you will not get a high score if your text is full of errors. Therefore, it is important to examine your paper carefully, proofread it and edit it if necessary.

However, it is a lot better idea to hire a professional editor so that he or she would proofread and edit your paper instead. It is always better to hire editors because they can do a better job of examining and revising your paper since they are more qualified and have more experience.

Additionally, people cannot detect their own mistakes sometimes for some reason. Therefore, you should consider hiring a qualified editor if you want to improve your score.


Anyone can learn how to improve their essay assignment grades if they know the right tricks. Today we have given you those exact tricks for improving your essay assignment score. Now it is your time to put them into practice and enjoy your higher grades.

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